Refunds + Other Policies
All refunds are subject to a $30 + GST administrative fee.
Refund Policy
PROGRAMS WITH ONE TIME PRICING (Camps, Skills Training, Leagues, Small Group Training)
100% refund minus admin fee - one week prior to the start of the program
50% refund minus admin fee - during the first 1/4 of the program
0% - no refunds after 1/4 of the program is complete
We are looking for players who are committed for the entire season. However, if circumstances dictate that a player can no longer continue in the program, players will be charged up to and including the calendar month after they give written notice of withdrawal. The remaining months of the season will not be charged. No refunds will be given for upfront deposits/costs such as gear or tournament fees. Any players who have prepaid for the whole season will be refunded by the same schedule as those on monthly payment plans.
Players providing doctor’s note indicating an inability to participate in more than one third of a program due to injury may be eligible for credit applied to future programs. Please email Lesley@splitsecondbasketball.com if you have any questions.
Schedule Policy
At Split Second Basketball, one of biggest priorities is providing great value for our community. Each term we determine the number of sessions for each program and when you register, we commit to you that we will provide that number of sessions. We occasionally need to shift our class dates, times or locations to accommodate our fantastic gym-rental partners, but we will always ensure that you get all the basketball you registered for.
We do our best to leave long weekends, school breaks and holidays free, but when we need to make up unexpected gym schedule changes we may need to program sessions in those periods. It doesn’t happen often, but if necessary, updates will be emailed out and program schedules will be available on our website.
Uniform Policy
All Club team players must have the team uniform for games. In a circumstance when a player on a Club team outgrows or loses a uniform during a time that is NOT an active registration period, getting them a new uniform will involve the following steps:
The player needs to contact the Cobra Boys (edandrea@splitsecondbasketball.com) or Girls (novell@splitsecondbasketball.com) Program Head telling them about their uniform need (size, colour etc)
The SSB program head will let the player know about replacement uniform costs which SSB pays for each uniform piece:
New shorts- $50
New home or away jersey- $50
New reversible jersey- $50
Program head will coordinate with player to get them a new uniform
Dismissal Policy
Split Second programs are intended for school aged children who are ready to listen to instructions, follow along with group activities and enter and exit the facilities on their own.
While Split Second coaches are attentive to young players and always ensure a safe environment on the court, our camps, classes and other programs are NOT set up with a parent sign-in and sign-out system.
Once class is dismissed, it will be up to each family to decide whether they meet inside the gym, outside the gym or anywhere else. Split Second coaches will not be leading this process. If you have a specific need for help from Split Second coaches around picking up your child, please email or text us ahead of time and we are happy to help.
COVID 19- Split Second Basketball is committed to following the guidance of our Provincial Health Authority issued through ViaSport and Basketball BC. If the guidelines restrict elements of basketball training, we will adjust our programs accordingly. If guidelines prohibit training or require our facilities to close, we will either make up any cancelled sessions or issue credits.